Wilderness first aid
Duration: 16 hours (2 days in-person)
Tuition: $250 - $420
Age: 16+ yrs
Successful course completion will earn the following NOLS Wilderness Medicine certifications:
Wilderness First Aid
Epinephrine Auto-injector
CPR (on some courses)
WFA is a hands-on introduction to wilderness medicine and a great course for people of all experience levels.
You'll learn both in the classroom and in outdoor settings regardless of weather, so come prepared for wet, muddy, cold or hot environments!​​​​
Continuing Education & Academic Credit
1 credit University of Utah ($95)
0.5 credits Western Colorado University ($123.75)
Course Approval
This course is recognized by the American Camp Association to meet specific ACA standards requiring certifications.
The course meets the Boy Scouts of America Wilderness First Aid training requirements.
Additionally, the Wilderness First Aid course (WILDMI-554), and when included the CPR/AED course (WILDMI-134), are approved by the United States Coast Guard to meet the first aid and CPR training requirements of 46 CFR 11.201(i)(1)(ii) and 46 CFR 11.201(i)(2)(iiI) for a merchant mariner credential.
Other Courses Offered:
Wilderness Advanced First Aid
Wilderness First Responder
Hybrid WFR
Hybrid recertification
Wilderness Upgrade for Medical Professional